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Interview with Margaret Pappas

Margaret is a Personal Life Coach & Strategist, an Attitudinal Healing Coach internationally, a certified Healing Arts Practitioner, a Quantum-Touch™ Practitioner, and an ordained minister. She also holds professional certifications as a Professional Librarian, Media Specialist, and Professional Organizer.

Why do people come to you for help?

They come because they have seen and heard about the work that I do and the ‘simple tools‘ that I teach. They come because they are tired of being stressed out, overwhelmed, sick, depressed, in denial, and out of control. These individuals have observed and witnessed the changes in their family members and friends in just a short period of time. And they want to experience these changes for themselves too!

What do you do to help them?

In the first session, I quickly identify any problems and challenges. I ask everyone ‘if they are willing to do something different and to work hard?’ If they are willing, they take the Simple Tools to Deal with Life mini workshops. After they learn the tools, they have the opportunity to work with me one-on-one in the COMPASS program. This structured program reinforces and monitors the use of the ‘Simple Tools‘ daily. In addition, everyone who works with me individually also experiences energy healing, the catalyst to help one finish ‘unfinished’ business and to facilitate change.

How would you describe your life strategizing/coaching style?

As Tom Landry, winner of two Super Bowls stated, “A coach is someone who tells you what you don’t want to hear, who has you see what you don’t want to see, so you can be who you have always known you could be.” Mix Tom Landry with, most importantly, HEART…and you will get a sense of how I work. As the late Marita Bonner said, “She did not talk to people as if they were strong hard shells she had to crack open to get inside. She talked as if she were already in the shell … in their very shell.

So where does "Use Your Heart" fit in?

In the Simple Tools mini workshops, I teach the ♥ Heart ♥ tool which calms and soothes your mind, body, and spirit. Use Your Heart will help you wake up, de-stress, ‘do the right thing’, and learn to follow your heart’s intuition. When you begin this process of ♥ Use Your Heart ♥, miracles happen.

Margaret Pappas Interview

Do you really think an individual can change?

Yes, I do! I used to be ‘Queen of Drama and Trauma.’  With a lot of hard work and retraining of my mindset, I changed myself. And if I could do it, anyone can do it! I got an email this morning from one of my clients, Maria said, “Retrain = self discipline + hard work 24/7.” YES!!! She got it. And you need to be WILLING to drop your ego and your willfulness. The change I am referring to is an ‘attitudinal shift’ in one’s perspective. It is not about changing behavior or changing the other person. When you ‘flip the switch’ in your attitude, the ‘system’ and everyone around you will change. That is the nature of change.

About two years ago in 2002, I was listening to Dr. Laura read a letter from a mother that proved my point about change. The drama had to do with her teenage daughter’s inappropriate dress and her husband’s response. I love to act out their ‘drama’ when I teach. Their story is worth the price of admission to the Simple Tools to Deal With Life mini workshops!

[James]: “I have heard that you absolutely go nuts when someone uses the word ‘TRY.’  Is this true? and Why?”

(Margaret really laughs when she responds:)

As I tell my clients, if I could cut that word out of the dictionary I would … and I am a librarian!!! Back in 1981, I remember whining to my therapist, Marty Farash that “I really TRIED my best …” And he said to me Margaret, TRY means failure.At first I felt hurt, but then I got it.

Let me give you an example. If I ask you to pick me up at the airport at 3pm and you respond, “I will TRY to pick you up.” Do you really think that I think that you will pick me up? Frankly, NO!

Think about how often you use the word and when and how you use it. You too will notice that TRY is a weak word … and frankly, means absolutely nothing and causes emotional upset and commotion for yourself and others.

Margaret Pappas Interview

So how would/could you respond?

I am happy you asked! On 2/9/2004, I was listening to Dr. Laura on the radio. She had received a fax from a student who had just taken my Simple Tools To Deal With Life workshop that Saturday at Citrus College.

She read the letter on the air and quoted an audio clip that I use in my workshop … “No … try not. Do or Do NOT … There is no try.” (Yoda from Star Wars.)

Also, Carol-Ann, one of my clients, found another word to replace the ‘T‘ word. So for those of who are still ‘trying,’ use  ‘STRIVE‘ until you can just “Do or DO NOT” … And, thank you Carol-Ann!

You mentioned that you do energy healing also. It sounds a bit on-the-fringe to me.

Ha! I felt the same way when I first heard about it! UP UNTIL, I experienced it myself. In January 2000, Sharon Seitz, my mentor and my energy healer, literally saved my life. At that time, I was SO stuck and was SO tired of myself! I know, in my heart, that the energy healing sessions were the catalyst for me. So, I pass this gift along to all my clients. I do some type of energy healing at each session. It is a critical and an integral part of the work I do.

Do your clients know that 'energy healing' is important to their shift/change?

At first, no. But when my clients start seeing results, that’s when they get it.  Energy Healing is not an easy concept to grasp. For many people, the concept of healing ourselves is still foreign. However, we have the power to heal ourselves. And I am just the facilitator of that process. The only thing that is necessary is the ‘willingness‘ to experience it.

After a session, you will experience a subtle shift.  (See my video and email testimonials for results).  And believe it or not, sometimes those major, positive, subtle shifts can scare the individual.

Why would a client be scared if s/he gets positive results?

Because everyone is so used to trauma and drama. Our conditioning is to hide, deny, disbelieve, and/or distrust instead. Our ego/self-defense/survival mechanisms kick in to reestablish the status ‘fear’ quo. It is much easier to go back to the old ways of behaving rather than believe that we can be happy and at peace. Now this makes NO SENSE at all to me. But I find that people are ‘happier’ suffering, being unhappy, and in pain. As Roy Masters and Father Anthony de Mello have said in so many words, “We are addicted to our trauma. We become what we hate. We would rather walk around like dead people and pop pills for a quick fix.”

Everything you have told me is making sense. Can you help me?

Yes…You must be WILLING 😍…to drop your ego, willfulness and let go, and surrender. You must realize that your way does NOT work. After you check out the testimonials from my clients, you know I have the tools for you to change…but you MUST BE WILLING to do the work every day. And yes, it is HARD WORK and there is a ‘price to pay!’ I AM HERE TO HELP YOU…IF YOU ARE WILLING. 😍


Do you do life strategy/coaching, energy healing and your workshops online?

Yes. At this time, I do sessions using Skype. All you need is a free Skype account and a webcam.

What is the quickest way to contact you?

By email first. Click on this link: Contact Coach. Ask me for a free half-hour phone appointment. Send me a few dates and times so we can talk. I know I can help you … if you are WILLING. 😍

Is there anything else you would like to say?

Yes, a few thank you’s to very special individuals: Adrienne Milliken for giving me permission to use the HEART (a gift she painted for me) as the  inspiration for my website.

An EXTRA SPECIAL thanks to Anthony Godinho for re-creating and for working tirelessly on my website.

And many, many special thanks to my clients who graciously gave me permission to publish their testimonials. And to you James for believing in me and for continuing to support me as I do this work. Sending you ALL GOOD HEALING ENERGY…NAMASTE!

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Margaret Pappas

Margaret Pappas is a Personal Life Coach/Strategist and Energy Healer.


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