Emotional Field Therapy

Emotional Field Therapy (EFT) or Tapping is a form of psychological acupuncture that uses light tapping with your fingertips instead of inserting needles to stimulate traditional Chinese acupuncture points. The tapping on these designated points on the face and body is combined with verbalizing the identified problem (or target) followed by a general affirmation phrase.

Combining these ingredients of the EFT technique balances the energy system and appears to relieve psychological stress and physiological pain. Restoring the balance of the energy system allows the body and mind to resume their natural healing abilities.

EFT is safe, easy to apply, and is noninvasive. 

Fee: $60 One-Hour Session.

Frankly, I had never heard of ‘tapping.’  I came to Margaret in a lot of pain i.e. emotional pain.  I simply was a mess.  On a scale of 1-10, I was a 25!  Margaret asked me if I would be willing to do a very different kind of exercise. ‘Different’ took on new meaning!   All I know is that after the ‘tapping’ exercise, I was calm, focused, and ready to begin my coaching sessions. 

Even though, I was challenged in the weeks that followed, my emotional pain and upset never got beyond a 6-7!  Incredible! 


June 2015

7 Strategies_Happy

When I first saw Margaret, all I remember is that I couldn’t breathe and was extremely stressed out.  She quickly had me do this exercise which involved me tapping on various points on my head, head and chest. By the time it was over, I couldn’t  believe I was feeling calm and totally relaxed!  Seriously!


march 2011

Small Group Coaching Sessions

Years ago, I decided to run follow-up sessions immediately after my formal workshops. My classes cover a lot of material in a very short amount of time. I reinforce and go over the material in my relaxing , retreat-like, informal studio setting. These are 2-hour long drop-in sessions for students who have taken the appropriate  workshop at Pasadena City College, Citrus College, or in my studio.

It is also an opportunity for students to come and talk with me and with other students about what they learned and what they have done since the workshop.

Fee: $25 Two-Hour Session.

To say that Margaret is unique would be a massive understatement. What make her unique? Her boundless energy, enthusiasm, humor, compassion, communication skills, passion for her work and beliefs, an ability to teach and a willingness to learn just to mention a few of her many positive attributes.

Margaret’s workshops …challenge students to see things differently and provide tools to overcome fear, achieve greater peace  of mind and improve your life.

Workshop sessions are interactive, humorous, fun and Margaret’s teaching style causes students and teacher to feel connected in an effort to improve each of our lives. I highly recommend Margaret’s workshops to anyone interested and willing to bring greater understanding and positive changes to their life.

John T.

february 2008

Small Group Coaching1
Small Group Coaching_PeaceHeart

After attending Margaret’s class and her workshops, I have to say that I am a changed person.  Before Margaret, I was living a life of fear, pain, anger, depression, stress and suffering.  I would be on the attack with people, being judgmental towards others and always being on the defensive side. I learned that I was only hurting myself.  I was not happy and I continued to make myself ill.

I learned to let go of the past. That past that kept me trapped in a life without hope and happiness.  I chose not to continue this life, and through the help of these classes and the workshops I now can use the tools I’ve learned to help me on a day to day basis.

I learned to forgive and love.  That inner peace that was long gone is back in my life. This is not an easy task, it takes time and hard work.  It is not a instant heal.  We face everyday life with different struggles, but it’s time to make a difference. My friends and family have seen a change in me.  I see things differently, I react differently, I appreciate people for whom they really are, I see the good in them. I am a happy person. Thank you Margaret!


march 2009

Emotional Self-Management

Emotional Self-Management (ESM) is a corporate training experience. This is a two-day small group training includes two hours of individual personal coaching for 6 to 8 participants in a relaxed and retreat-like setting enhancing your experience. 

In this ESM training, I use a wide range of proven methods, tools, and strategies to effectively help you with managing your emotions.  Listed below, you will find some of the core topics covered in this training.

Discover how you think and how to retrain your thoughts by letting go and replacing a thought system with a thought system that does work.

Use a 30-second HEART tool to solve problems. Scientifically proven to increase positive states and reduce stressors by 25%.

Consider replacing old beliefs/attitudes with new beliefs/attitudes i.e. attitude adjustment.

Experience Chi Gong: an internal meditative practice using slow graceful movements.

Learn ‘Simple Tools & Strategies like breathing and meditation.

I also recommend the “Communicate with Anyone” workshop.

Rick Nanda


I have worked with Margaret for two years in the areas of Work life Balance and Time Management. After tremendous success for myself, I requested her services for my team at work. Her techniques to deal with stress, effective scheduling, and meeting management are easy to understand and implement. I work in a very dynamic area that manages the enterprise system for my company of over 15,000 employees. The work environment is that of rapidly changing priorities and dealing with wide audiences.

Engaging Margaret to work with my staff came after a survey showed a decrease in moral and inability to manage a reasonable work life balance.  After the seminars with my staff, there was an immediate change in the mood of the group and attitude towards work. Her approach to dealing with tough situations through appreciation created a change in the mindset of all the employees. There was a realization that the situations at work were not as bad as they thought.

Margaret also showed the staff techniques on scheduling, prioritization, and meeting management. The tools she provided were very adaptive and complemented our company’s calendaring system.  In addition to the time management techniques, she also taught the group a communication tool called “The Dialogue”. This tool has proven to be a method to communicate effectively and efficiently without emotions skewing conversations in both my professional and personal life. This is most useful in discussing difficult topics.

Margaret’s caring attitude and ability to relate to people at all levels of management was one of the driving reasons for the success of the seminars. She was able to adjust to the needs of the employees as the seminar progressed.  Her unique style and flexibility sets her apart from the other coaches that I have worked with. Approaching work situations from the emotional side in additional to traditional management techniques, has proven to increase the output and moral of my employees. She has made a lasting positive change in my life and my ability to deal with difficult situations. I am proud to recommend her services for both corporate and personal settings.

Anthony Godinho

One morning back in May, I decided to change my routine and spend the morning doing online research. When I checked my emails, I found an interesting audio file from a company who specializes in designing presentations. The presenter was talking about a new feature in PowerPoint 2016 Office 365.

Since I have been teaching (like forever:), I have exclusively used PowerPoint. However, for many years now, I have wanted to redo my presentations. I also wanted to find someone who was knowledgeable, creative, smart, and more importantly, was willing to collaborate with me to reinvent and rejuvenate my classes. I really wanted HELP!

Fifteen minutes later, my research led me to Anthony Godinho. The quality of his work intrigued and excited me. So, I took a chance and emailed him my project and my wish to collaborate with someone. Frankly, I did not expect an answer at all. But within thirty minutes, Anthony answered and said that he would be willing to collaborate with me!

Hooray!!! I was about to get the help I wanted and needed. Let Anthony tell you in his own words what he does…

I’m a Human Resources professional, an internet marketer, and I trade in the stock markets. I worked in the corporate world for over 15 years, mainly in human resources, in various industries.

In late 2008, I decided to explore the world of internet marketing. Since I have many interests, I write about them on various platforms. Some of these interests include technology, internet marketing, affiliate marketing, helping new Canadian immigrants, to name a few.

Since early 2015, I’ve been using a variety of video creation software. I maintain an active YouTube channel, where I recommend products and services that I use or have used in the past. Video content has become very popular and most people online love to consume video content. And I’ve been fortunate to be able to use some of the best video creation software on the market.

I have over 500 videos uploaded to YouTube to date. I upload new video reviews or tutorials every week to my YouTube channel. I also do one-on-one coaching on video creation as well as create videos for clients.

As you can see, Anthony has diverse and comprehensive skills that he freely shares with the online community.

For me personally, Anthony worked tirelessly to perfect my complex workshop presentation. He immediately understood the work that I do and the message I wanted to convey. He respected and ‘took to heart’ my deadline. Immediately, I knew that I had found the right person to work with me and had total confidence that I would get an incredibly dynamic presentation on time.

(So…please come to my workshop and see the result!)

In addition to his professional skills, Anthony’s integrity, knowledge, organizational skills, word, and sense of humor continue to be MY EXPERIENCE. I will also continue to choose Anthony as my EXPERIENCE and collaborate with him on my new projects as I move forward in this world of social media and internet marketing.

Without any conditions and/or reservations, I unconditionally recommend Anthony Godinho for YOUR EXPERIENCE.

Oops…I almost forgot to mention what else Anthony does…here it comes…my new website! 😍

Love it Anthony and I ♥ you…forever!

From my heart to yours ♥ Margaret

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Margaret Pappas

Margaret Pappas is a Personal Life Coach/Strategist and Energy Healer.


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